Taking out a payday loan may seem like a quick fix for a temporary cash crunch. However, this can lead to an endless cycle of debt.
What to do if you have too many payday loans?
If you have been dealing with high interest rates, you might want to consider consolidating your loans. This will not only reduce the total amount you owe, it can also save you from paying high interest rates in the long run.
There are a number of lenders that offer consolidation loans, from online to traditional banks. Before you apply for a loan, you should take the time to determine whether you qualify for a particular program. If you are approved, you should consider the fee and monthly payment options. You should also read the fine print. URL : https://www.nationalpaydayrelief.com/payday-loan-consolidation/
For example, you might be eligible for a consolidation loan from a credit union. This is a great option for consumers who don’t have a stellar credit score. Some credit unions will allow you to pay off your PAL (payday alternative loan) in up to six months.
In addition to lowering your interest rate, you might be able to get a more appealing APR. For instance, you could be approved for a consolidation loan with an interest rate of 28%, compared to a payday loan that may have an interest rate as high as 56%.
The benefits of consolidation are many and varied. You can save money on monthly payments, make the monthly payment more manageable, and refocus on the future.