Madeira construction Southwest of Lisbon, is a small piece of paradise and an ideal destination for retirees, remote workers and families looking to escape the crowded and stressful world. Building in Madeira is a good investment and there are plenty of different options available depending on your budget. There are also different types of construction companies and locations to choose from, so you can find the right one for you.
The levadas of madeira are an exceptional cultural heritage, a masterpiece of hydraulic engineering of international importance that transcends national borders and is of estimable value for current and future generations. Its conservation requires a massive and sustained effort from all of society, including public and private entities.
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The construction of the Madeira levadas was a real challenge for the human spirit. It was only possible due to the colossal effort of men who displayed great intelligence and an extraordinary tenacity. They used the best materials to construct these waterways that were a marvel of their time. They were a response to the accentuated topography of the island. The levadas transform the fast creek currents in abrupt valleys into a gentle flow, bringing the water to its final destination always at a minimum incline.
The City of Madeira is working on a design-build project to improve the intersection of Miami and East Galbraith Road. The project will include a roundabout, paving, sidewalk and landscaping improvements. The City held a Project Open House on July 19 to review the plans and answer questions about the project. To learn more about the project, please see the INFORMATIONAL BOARDS and read our Frequently Asked Questions.