Are Boric Acid Supppositories Safe?


are boric acid suppositories safe

Are boric acid suppositories safe?

If you have a yeast infection that doesn’t respond to antibiotics, your doctor may recommend boric acid vaginal suppositories. Boric acid works to treat a variety of strains of yeast, including those that are resistant to common antifungal medications called azoles. Check this out:

Yeast infections that don’t respond to first-line treatment options are also more likely to be caused by a type of yeast called Candida glabrata, which is more resistant to many of the drugs used to treat this condition. The CDC recommends using a vaginal suppository that contains 600 mg of boric acid once a day for 2 weeks.

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Boric acid is sold over-the-counter as a liquid that you can insert into your vagina. The medication will start to dissolve as it warms to your body’s temperature. It’s important to use these suppositories carefully and follow all instructions on the label.

How to Use a Boric Acid Suppository

Each package of boric acid vaginal suppositories comes with a single-use applicator. You can use it to insert the suppository as far as it will comfortably go into your vagina.

You’ll want to remove the applicator from the packaging and wash it thoroughly before you use it again. You can also use a sanitary napkin to keep the suppository from staining your clothes.

To use a vaginal suppository, lie on your back with your knees bent (or stand up with your knees bent if it’s more comfortable). Insert the suppository as far into your vagina as you can and then remove the applicator. If you don’t insert the suppository all the way, the capsule will probably dissolve in your vagina and will be released through your urine within four days.

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